General Surgery

Looking For Best General Surgeon in Sonipat?

General Surgery

General surgery is a medical practice that focuses on the examination, treatment, and management of a wide range of surgical conditions. General surgeons are trained to perform various surgical procedures on different parts of the body, excluding the brain, spine, and heart, which are managed by specialized surgeons. Surgeons in Bhagwan Das Hospital, Sonipat are very experienced and mature. They know how to deal with various kinds of injuries and fractures.

Our Speciality

Let’s get to know what are our specialties.

Kidney and Liver Transplant = Kidney and liver transplants are one of the specialties that we offer. We have the best surgeons in Sonipat for kidney and liver transplants.

Abdominal Surgery: General surgeons perform procedures on organs within the abdomen, such as the stomach, intestines, liver, gallbladder, and appendix. Examples include appendectomy, cholecystectomy (gallbladder removal), and bowel resection for conditions like diverticulitis or colon cancer.

Breast Surgery: General surgeons may perform breast surgery for both benign and malignant conditions.
This can involve lumpectomy (removal of a breast lump), mastectomy (removal of the breast), or breast reconstruction after mastectomy.

Emergency Surgery: General surgeons are often called upon to perform emergency surgeries for acute conditions like appendicitis, bowel obstruction, perforation, or trauma. These surgeries require quick decision-making and the ability to manage complex cases.

Gastrointestinal Surgery: General surgeons often perform procedures related to the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, such as appendectomy (removal of the appendix), cholecystectomy (removal of the gallbladder), hernia repair, colorectal surgery, and gastric surgery.

Soft Tissue Surgery: General surgeons may treat conditions or perform procedures related to soft tissues, such as skin lesions, abscess drainage, or removal of benign or malignant tumors.

Trauma Surgery: General surgeons often play a critical role in managing traumatic injuries, such as those caused by accidents or emergencies. They may perform surgeries to treat injuries to the abdomen, chest, or other areas of the body.

Vascular Surgery: General surgeons may be involved in vascular procedures, such as the placement of vascular access devices (e.g., ports, central lines), treatment of varicose veins, or management of
peripheral arterial disease.

Best General Surgeons in Sonipat . General surgeons are doctors who have done their specialization in general surgery. they have trained
to perform various kind of surgeries arond various body parts.

Surgical Consultations: General surgeons provide consultations to patients, evaluate their medical history, perform physical examinations, and discuss potential surgical options. They assess the feasibility and risks associated with surgical interventions and help patients make informed decisions about their healthcare.

Preoperative and Postoperative Care: General surgeons are responsible for managing the preoperative and postoperative care of patients undergoing surgery. This includes conducting preoperative assessments, ordering appropriate diagnostic tests, preparing patients for surgery, and providing follow-up care after the procedure.

Surgical Procedures: General surgeons perform a wide range of surgical procedures involving various organ systems, such as the abdomen, breast, endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract, and more.

Examples of surgical procedures performed by general surgeons include appendectomy, hernia repair, cholecystectomy (gallbladder removal), colon resection, thyroidectomy, mastectomy, and many others.

Collaborative Approach: General surgeons often work in collaboration with other medical specialists, such as anesthesiologists, radiologists, oncologists, and other surgeons from different specialties. They may consult with these specialists to provide comprehensive and multidisciplinary care to patients with complex conditions.

Education and Training: General surgeons undergo extensive medical education and training. They
typically complete a four-year undergraduate degree, followed by four years of medical school to obtain a
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.) degree. After medical school, they enter a surgical residency program, which typically lasts five to seven years. During this residency, they receive comprehensive training in surgical techniques, patient care, and management of surgical conditions.


As a general surgeon, the primary specialty is general surgery itself. However, within the field of general surgery, some surgeons may choose to develop additional expertise or focus on specific areas. These can be considered subspecialties or specialized areas of interest within general surgery.

Surgical Oncology: Surgeons specializing in surgical oncology focus on the surgical management of cancer. They have specialized training in the diagnosis, staging, and surgical treatment of various types of cancer, including solid tumors.

When seeking specialized care within general surgery, it’s advisable to consult with a surgeon who has specific expertise and experience in the area related to your condition. Your primary care physician or healthcare provider can provide referrals or recommendations based on your specific needs.